If you’re looking to add some funk to your room décor, a lava lamp might be just what you need. Lava lamps have been a popular novelty item since their invention in the 1960s, and they continue to captivate people of all ages today. This article will explore the history and science behind the lava lamp, as well as its appeal for modern-day decorators.
The History of Lava Lamps
The first lava lamp was invented in 1963 by Edward Craven Walker, a British accountant who became fascinated with an egg timer filled with colored liquids he saw in a pub. He spent years experimenting with different combinations of oil, wax, and water until he created the perfect formula for a mesmerizing and captivating lamp.
Initially marketed under the name “Astro Lamp,” lava lamps quickly gained popularity among the counterculture of the 1960s and ’70s. They were often found in the homes of hippies and artists, and were seen as a symbol of the psychedelic era.
While the popularity of lava lamps waned in the 1980s and ’90s, they’ve experienced a resurgence in recent years, with many people once again embracing their trippy appeal.
The Science Behind Lava Lamps
Lava lamps work on a simple principle of convection. The lamp consists of a glass vessel filled with a colored liquid (usually a combination of water and wax or oil). A bulb located at the base of the lamp heats the liquid, causing it to rise to the top of the vessel. As it cools, it sinks back down to the bottom of the vessel, starting the process over again.
The motion of the liquid creates the hypnotic effect that lava lamps are famous for. The liquid’s movement is also affected by the lamp’s shape and the viscosity of the liquid, which is why different lava lamps can appear to have different flows.
Lava Lamps in Modern Room Decor
While lava lamps might have started as a symbol of the counterculture, they’ve now found a place in the mainstream décor too. They’re considered a classic pop culture icon that can add a funky and captivating element to any room.
Lava lamps now come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, making them more versatile than ever before. And while they might still be considered a bit kitschy, many modern designers are finding ways to incorporate them into more sophisticated spaces.