Lighting up the Night: Stylish Wall Lights for Boys’ Bedrooms

As kids grow, their interests and preferences change, and bedrooms are no exception. Boys, in particular, may outgrow their childish decor and require a more mature space that reflects their personality. One way to add character and style to a boy’s bedroom is by incorporating wall lights. Besides being functional, wall lights can serve as a mood enhancer and add aesthetic appeal to a plain wall. This article explores some creative and stylish wall lights ideas that can add the ‘wow’ factor to your boy’s bedroom.

Types of Wall Lights

Wall lights come in different styles and sizes, each suited for a specific purpose. Here are some types of wall lights that can add a twist to your boy’s bedroom:

1. Sconces Lights

If you’re looking to add glamour to your boy’s bedroom, sconces lights are the go-to options. These lights hang on the wall, creating an amazing atmosphere that transforms your boy’s space. They come in various shapes and sizes, ensuring your boy’s bedroom will have the perfect wall light that meets their preference.

2. Picture/Balcony Lights

Picture or balcony lights are another type of wall lights that are perfect for boys who love art. These lights are usually placed above artworks or portraits, casting a spotlight on the image, adding an extra layer of detail to the bedroom. Besides enhancing artwork or portraits, they can also be used as a reading light when attached on the side of the headboard.

3. Bedside Table Lamps

Bedside table lamps are a popular choice for wall lights in boy’s bedroom. These lights provide the perfect amount of lighting for bedtime reading or homework. Table lamps come in different shapes and sizes, so you can choose one that fits your boy’s preference.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Wall Lights

Choosing the perfect wall light for your boy’s bedroom can be challenging, but these factors can ease your selection process:

1. Color

When choosing wall lights, color is paramount. You want a light that blends well with the existing decor and bedroom colors. If the wall light color does not blend well, it can cause an eyesore, making the room dull rather than sprucing it up.

2. Size

The size of wall lights should be proportional to the bedroom’s space. An oversized wall light can make the room look cluttered, while a small one can appear insignificant. Before settling for any wall light, ensure you measure the space for a perfect fit.

3. Design

Wall light design plays a significant role in the overall appearance of the bedroom. Boy’s bedrooms can feature different themes, from superhero themes to sports themes, and wall lights can be used to reflect the theme’s colors and designs.


Wall light installation can either be a DIY or a professional installation. However, when choosing to do it yourself or hiring a professional, it’s essential to ensure that the wall light is installed correctly. Additionally, it’s advisable to seek guidance or help from a professional installer to avoid accidents, especially when dealing with electricity.

Adding wall lights to boy’s bedrooms is an excellent way to add an aesthetic appeal to the room. With different wall light types, designs, and colors available, you have unlimited options to choose from. However, before choosing wall lights, it’s essential to consider factors such as color, size, and design. Additionally, ensure that wall lights are installed correctly, either by a professional or through DIY means. By following these tips, you can transform your boy’s bedroom into a stylish space that reflects their personality.

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